The northeast area | Amphitheatre

In the 1940s a long strip of land adjacent to the wall (designated Zone E) was excavated, producing some interesting finds and locating some mosaics, but it did not allow the detailed study of the structures. This was only possible, with more excavations, between 2005 and 2010. One can currently see the remains of two buildings. One is the “House of the trident and the sword” (of the motifs of one of its mosaics). The other is a small utility building, which housed a fullonica (laundry).

The amphitheatre of Conimbriga was constructed taking advantage of the slope of the valley north of the city, in whose profile it was set. It was reached from the city coming from the forum directly to the upper seats. Entrance to the arena was made through the bottom of the valley. Its demolition at the time of the construction of the Late Empire wall led to it being partially buried, which favoured its partial reuse for the buildings in the village of Condeixa-a-Velha. Its excavation is a very long-term project.

Ensaio de visualização de Conimbriga no séc. II d.C. ©Jean-Claude Golvin
Conimbriga visualization test in the 19th century. II D.C. ©Jean-Claude Golvin

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