Terrain of the Faculty of Letters

In 1928 the area northeast of the forum was the first to be excavated and kept open for visitors to Conimbriga. The insula located here included, at least, two residences. One is called the “House of the apsidal medianum”, due to the shape chosen to the small impluvium in its inner courtyard. This house had, in addition to its central area (which was replicated in an undetermined number of upper storeys) an independent area of several shops opening to a portico along a street perpendicular to the forum. Next (northwards along the street bordering the forum) another small house was incorporated in the same building. It has a small central impluvium and in it an altar dedicated to Liber Pater, Roman god of the woods was found. The name of the man who dedicated it, Valerius Daphinus, gives the name to the house.

Ensaio de visualização de Conimbriga no séc. II d.C. ©Jean-Claude Golvin
Conimbriga visualization test in the 19th century. II D.C. ©Jean-Claude Golvin

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