The shops to the south of the main road

At the beginning of the 1st century AD, a long, shallow building, occupied almost entirely by shops, was built to the south of the main road that entered the city coming from Sellium. The building probably had an upper story destined to inhabitation and its shops had their warehouses in the basements; the building was constructed in this manner in order to overcome the unevenness of the base rock. 
One descended into them by a wooden stairway that provided access to a corridor illuminated by window slits (a cryptoporticus). Throughout the 1st and 2nd centuries the building was divided, the corridor was closed and the shops commenced to have their own stairs that provided exclusive access to their basement. In addition, the basements were gradually filled in because they must have had problems of drainage of water that penetrated. This building, as well as all of those in this area of the city, was demolished at the time of the construction of the Late Empire wall.

Ensaio de visualização de Conimbriga no séc. II d.C. ©Jean-Claude Golvin
Conimbriga visualization test in the 19th century. II D.C. ©Jean-Claude Golvin

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