House of the swastika cross

One of the city blocks in the new part of the city was divided into two different quality-residence houses, even though of a smaller dimension than others known in the city. Both the residences have a central peristyle occupied by a tank with a garden, but besides this common characteristic, the houses are very different, which must also be consistent with a different construction history. The House of the swastika cross is the product of the remodelling of an already existing building, of which survived some walls (partially cut into the rock) in the area destroyed for the Late Empire wall (the entire house was destroyed at that time). Perhaps by being built in different periods the plan of the house is irregular and, because of lack of space, the triclinium was placed with one of its side on the peristyle aisle, and not on the axis as was the rule. The chambers next to the wall decorated with mosaics would have functioned as bedrooms. The mosaics, which can be dated to the 3rd century AD, are exceptionally colourful and plentifully use the swastika cross — a sun symbol for good luck for the Romans — that gives the house its name.

Ensaio de visualização de Conimbriga no séc. II d.C. ©Jean-Claude Golvin
Conimbriga visualization test in the 19th century. II D.C. ©Jean-Claude Golvin

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