Baths of the wall

In the last quarter of the 1st century AD, a bathhouse intended to serve the southeastern part of the city was constructed. The thermae were small in size and more utilitarian than monumental in the design chosen, however the decorative presentation was very rich and the installations were very complete. The thermae were demolished at the time the Late Empire wall was constructed and shortly after being buried the grotto over which it had unintentionally been built collapsed, severely damaging the structures and making their understanding difficult. The entrance of the thermae, which was on the same street where the houses of the skeletons and the swastika cross opened, and which was under the Late Empire wall, was completely destroyed by this.

Ensaio de visualização de Conimbriga no séc. II d.C. ©Jean-Claude Golvin
Conimbriga visualization test in the 19th century. II D.C. ©Jean-Claude Golvin

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